- rang in 2010 with an annual trip to universal studios & islands of adventure. spiderman took a prom picture with me <3

- bought my first house!!! i got to be my own realtor so my commission check went right into the down payment- pretty sweet deal : )
- went to copeland's farewell tour & fake cried with some good friends as we said goodbye to a band we've grown up loving.

- saw the musical "wicked" for the 1st time & loved it.
- filmed my scene in the full length indie faith-based film "pendulum swings." met some great people. still working on getting to one of the red carpet premieres...if not, i'm making adam walk around & take pictures with my face on a stick : )

- learned a lot about idols in my life & started letting God crush some of those bad boys
- fell in love with valley maker to the 100th power
- randomly met scott wingo at sonic and marcus lattimore at grilled teriyaki- probably the 2 nicest gamecock athletes out there : )
- gamecocks had an incredible year in sports- from winning the freaking baseball nat'l championship to beating the #1 team in baseball, basketball, & football. so great!!! got to go with my grandmother to her 1st football game & made her wear a face tat <3

- tubed down the river for the 1st time- so much fun!!!!!!!
- saw jimmy eat world (favorite band) again in atlanta- amazing show as always, played allllll of my absolute faves.
for me this is heaven from kathleen on Vimeo.
- continued leading & loving my lifegroup. saw one get married, one get engaged, & one is expecting her 1st baby : )

- saw my big dumb head walk across the screen in the movie dear john. haha.
- had another freakin surgery. booooooo. please let 2011 come & go with no hospital visits. please! at least i have a picture of me high as a kite after surgery...

- ate at ruth's chris for the 1st time...thanks nan!! : )
- threw a successful surprise party for my best friend who has never been thrown one that's actually been a legit surprise. hooray! also got my sister to her surprise party without letting the cat out of the bag either. yessss.

- watched "i shouldn't be alive" religiously & freaked out at every single episode
- experienced the 50th boozer family reunion. no other words necessary. ha.

- saw anberlin, something corporate, etc.

- judged a talent competition at ridgeview high school with my buddy jimmy- so fun.
- bought a new car!! yes, i'm insane- i bought a house & a car in the same year. good thing i'm decent at saving money. i miss my scort, but boy do i love my new ride.

new baby shark! ha.

- went to the so you think you can dance tour & saw all the greatest dances from this season AND met my favorite dancers. so coooool.
allison & me and the group with kent!

- my friends in needtobreathe got hand picked by taylor swift to open for her tour this spring- crazy!
- tore up the sc state fair per usual, but this time saw boyz ii men, caught a dang rose during i'll make love to you, & MET THOSE MUGS!!!! best night ever <3 <3 <3

- experienced the okra strut for the 1st time
- got to be the lead female in the private life of david reed's music video. i've always wanted to be in a music video- like it's been on my bucket list for real, so hooray!! check that off- thanks, guys!! : ) here's a clip of the band:
The Private Life of David Reed: Live in Columbia, SC from HYCO on Vimeo.
- dressed up as a zombie disney princess for halloween- ariel i love you!!

- sang a song with my singer/songwriter friend christina cone (who is amazing) when she played a show here at the white mule : )
- watched fireworks on the beach for the 4th of july with some bffs. fun as heck.

- did a photoshoot with my bff cousin from NYC & lovie court from L.A.

- saw lots of snow in columbia, sc!
- acted a fool with my family in hilton head- way too much fun

- experienced my 1st steeplechase & enjoyed it
- saw disney on ice for my birthday- thanks, tori : )

- met tonic at the crawfish festival- ha.

- went to be an extra in isopod & met a.j. the make a wish child we helped <3

- almost had a few nervous breakdowns from stress (kill me now, paperwork & deadlines & health issues), but for the most part, God has blessed me again with another year of Himself, laughter, family, friends, & fun.
alright 2011, let's do this.
Just stumbled across your blog tonight. Bit of background on me so you don't think I'm some stalker...I'm a mother of 4 beautiful children, a wife and a teacher her in Nor Cal. I will be 40 this year and as my oldest hits high school next year, God is growing in me a love for this generation. Keep Jesus first sweets. You are adorable and I can tell you have a BIG HEART for GOD! My blog, or "blah" as I call it, is unhiddenframe.blogspot.com
Blessings Hope Ever
Wow! Quite a life. May God bless you.
wow...that sounds like it was a pretty awesome year! Love love love it!
awh im prob related to you some how im Ariel Jane Boozer
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