Wednesday, November 7, 2007

20 People AUG. 2, 2007

1) List 20 things that you want to say to 20 different people
2) Don't say who they are.
3) Never discuss it again.
4) No order. Just random.

1- One of my favorite stories is the one where you finally mustered up the courage to ask me out to the Dave Matthews Band concert in 9th grade & the afternoon you planned to do it, my mom picked me up early from school for a dentist appointment. haaaa. How about that? It just wasn't meant to be, buddy, but I'm so glad we're such good friends now & I can't tell you how proud I am of you. Congrats on everything you've got going on & I can't wait to be a part of your big day. You're an amazing person & I'm so honored to call you a best friend.

2- Never let anyone tell you what you can/can't, should/shouldn't do with your life. You know what you need and listening to your heart is always your best bet. Follow your dreams, first, and everything else will fall into place. Don't let people's expectations or opinions shape your decisions about anything- job, significant other, friends, goals, interests, etc. Don't be ashamed- be who you are. This life is yours to live- so live it with integrity and to the max. Live positively, smile often, & share God's love with as many as you possibly can. That's what matters. You've got this, girl. Enjoy your insanely wonderful blessings and continue to give freely. The best is yet to come!

3- Oh sweet friend, I hope you're doing well. I pray you're happy & healthy & staying out of trouble. I think about you often & I'm so proud of what you're accomplishing in your job/school, etc. You're going to be great at that & I can't wait to watch how awesome you do. Continue to make the right decisions & call me if you ever need help with those. You're so fun & funny & just wonderful. I.L.Y, rahz.

4- You are a bully. Seriously, why are you so mean? Maybe things have happened to you in life that have had something to do with making you this way, I don't know, but your past doesn't have to shape your future. I feel sorry for you because what goes around really does come around. Justin Timberlake taught me that. (ha). The way you treat people- the hurtful, hateful, sarcastic attitude you have is going to bite you in the butt ten fold, so look out. However, guess what- even though you live to hurt without remorse, I forgive you.

5- I will always remember bonding with you during 2nd unit of Talladega Nights. We were deliriously tired at 4am in the cold having to wear our "summer clothes" for the movie talking about life, love, sonic, music, smallville, etc. I'm so glad we became close because you & your wifey are amazing friends & I'm lucky to have you in my life. Remember making fun of me for having perma-smile every single time Nick the AD walked by? Then remember when I called you screaming because we ended up making out in the hot tub? haaa. Good times. I hope we both get our shots. Love ya, brother!

6- Oh Treik, I couldn't have asked for a better. Why do people always think you're older? I guess I've always been the immature one- lol. You've been the best friend ever & thank God there is someone out there with my same sense of humor!! I'm glad I can talk to you about anything under the sun. Thanks for everything & know that I look up to you & love you so very much. Thanks for being so strong in your faith, too. You inspire me, best friend.

7- Holy cow do I flippin love hanging otu with you. How much fun do we have together? You make me laugh & I'm so glad you're one of my best friends. I can't wait to be neighbors, either. I think we're gonna have to have SYTYCD nites. Coldstone Creamery sizes will always make me laugh becuase of you, too. You're the best. : )

8- I'm not sure you've ever really known who you are- and I want that for you so badly. Each year you were someone new & I tried to find my place in each new "character's" life. I succeeded for a while, but like clockwork, you found your new "one" and I was left behind. I don't even know you anymore. I do, however, pray for you often & genuinely hope you're happy. I also hope you finally get married to the perfect guy for you bc I know that's something you've always really wanted. Thanks for the awesome & hilarious times- they were some of the best of my life, but thanks also for ending things how you did. It's gotten me where I'm supposed to be & I've never been happier than I am right now. Good luck with everything. Absolutely no hard feelings. Love you always.

9- You are one of the most attractive guys I've ever seen in "real life," but why do you have to be such an arrogant douche? That's so unfortunate bc you've got real potential. You're funny, talented, etc. I hope one day you grow out of that. Maybe there's hope for you yet.

10- Oh Lord, you are wild, child- from HIILARIOUS childhood moments & us being so bad, to cry-laughing as adults at who knows what. I love talking to you about dudes & crazy crap & laughing at Will and booty dancing, etc. I miss our vacations around the US growing up, too. Let's plan another one! You're the coolest and I love my boo like you don't even know! I'm so glad we have each other. I wish the best for you & pray for you & your success always!

11- You really do have some issues & I really hope you work them out. I enjoyed your friendship for the short time it was, but after the way you've so rediculously acted & treated me & my friends, I know things have worked out for the best. I have nothing against you & I've forgiven you for the things you've done, but that doesn't mean things should go back to how they were- and they won't. I really don't need that in my life - I'm so anti-drama it's not even funny. I do wish you the best, though, & I hope you find happiness. Thank you for what you did bc without realizing it, you pushed me into 2 of the best freinds I've ever had. Everything happens for a reason. Best of luck in all you do.

12- Thank you so much for getting me this gig. It has been an absolute blast & I've loved hanging out and getting to know you more each day. You are so positive & you bring straight sunshine in here. Thanks for making me laugh & telling me how awesome I am. 90s pop for life. Also, we're totally gonna make it- I just wanted to let you know. Know what I'm saying? Let's go to chic-fil-a tomorrow.

13- Girrrl, you are too much fun & truly heaven-sent. When I moved from Charlotte, I prayed for some new amazing friends & lookie lookie- God provided. You are the coolest and I'm so glad we found each other! Well, we can thank other peolpe's actions for that, but it goes along with our theme that everything happens for a reason. Boy, does it. I love how you make me excited about life- you're always up for anything & when I need a pick-me-up, your're there in 2 seconds flat. Thanks for taking my advice to heart & never judging me or getting defensive or angry. How refreshing! Thanks for singing & dancing in the car crazy-like with me & never being "too cool" for anything. I still want to make our music video. August? Anyway, I respect you like crazy & look up to your strength through difficulty & adversity. I'm not sure I could go thru what you've been thru already. You truly are a superior human being & I love you.

14- Remember that time we were laying in the hammock & you said, "One day, you're going to wise up & wonder what you were thinking when you were hanging out with me?" Well, you were right. Not in a mean way, just in a true way. Thanks for teaching me a lot about myself & what I like/need in relationships- whether friendships or more. Thanks also for introducing me to some great, great music. You were one of my best friends. Glad things are how they are now, though. All the best.

15- I'm really sorry for being such a jerk to you & not giving you the benefit of the doubt. You're a great person & I'm glad I know you. Please forgive me.

16- So which one of your friends haven't you dated? Seriously. ha. You, my dear, are so awesome. Remember I couldn't stop playing Mario Brothers the 1st time I met you? I think I said hi, it's nice to meet you & then went back to my game. ha! I'm so glad things worked out how they did, though, because you're a dear friend to me. Thanks for listening to me go off about Lord knows what & for giving me good advice from a guy's perspective. I hope we stay friends for years & years to come. I love ya to pieces, boo boo!

17- You, sir, are incredible. I can't believe how many people you've reached doing what you do. You're an inspiration & you take me to another place with your music. Your passion is crazy- intense & I love the fact that you let everyone know who you do it for, too. I can't believe you said your favorite part of the tour was having communion with the guys in one of the cities. You're what I want. Thanks for giving me hope.

18- Wow, I'm so glad I met you- you're like a random boy version of me- not exactly the same, but we've got a lot of similarities..and that's why you're one of my favorite friends! I'm so glad you didn't know anyone at that party either bc we bonded & we've been G's ever since. You rock & if you ever need someone to talk to or get advice about ladies from, or whatever, just call your homegirl up & I'm here for ya, buddy. Now get your movie theater seats installed so we can watch some good ones!

19- Thank you for what you did for me- I'm forever grateful. I can't wait to see you- it's going to be great. I'll talk to you later, promise.

20- Are you sure you're ready for this? It's the rest of your life we're talking about here & I know we've talked about your doubts before. Don't make rash decisions just because you're comfortable with him & you've already made the plans & it would be too hard to get out of it now. Are you truly happy? Truly? If the answer is yes & you couldn't see yourself with anyone else & you know this is right, then go for it & good luck! I'll be there in November, but if you have any doubts, please do something about it. I support you all the way- no matter what. I just want you happy. I've still got your dvd at my place, too. I promise I'll bring it.

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