Saturday, January 16, 2010

cents sense

Thank you, God, for blessing me with incredible parents. Not only are they loving, giving, praying, selfless, wonderful examples, but they're smart & raised me with sense.

I can't begin to tell you about all I've learned from them, but for now I want to thank them for teaching me the importance of hard work & being smart with money. We weren't rollin in the riches growing up, but we had enough for what we needed. For as long as I can remember, I watched my parents tithe. I also watched them be generous with anyone who needed it even when we didn't have much. Why? Because they took their cues from Jesus. They worked as unto Him and gave generously.

My dad was severly poor as a child. With 5 brothers & sisters, he would sometimes steal apples from the grocery store for them to be able to eat. He graduated and took a job at DHEC at the bottom of the barrel, taking water samples around the state. With his hard work & determination he progressed & moved up all the way to the Chief of Water for the state.

Mom & Dad taught me to work my hardest at whatever I've been called by the Lord to do. They also taught me to save, use a credit card wisely, tithe, give/bless, and be frugal.

Because of what I've learned from them & more importantly from God, I was able to buy my first home. It is BEAUTIFUL and I'm beyond blessed.

Thank you Jesus for parents who taught me what I needed to know about money & savings. I can now go into a marriage with no secret crazy debt. I have equity in a house. I have savings. My credit cards are paid off each month, etc., etc. When my future husband asks me about finances & debt, I look forward to answering him.

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