Wednesday, June 2, 2010

sneaky sneaky

Idolatry is a worship disorder.

And ANYTHING in our lives, good or bad, can become an idol.

I used to think idols were golden statues that people bow down to instead of God. Heck no, I don't struggle with idolatry- that's just crazy.

Well guess what: idols can be people, ministry, entertainment, sports, & even pets. The list goes on & on... and yes, on.

Huh? I thought idols were bad things. Ministry is awesome. People are awesome. My pets are like family! I'm so confused. Idols are so sneaky!!

- when you value something more than God
- anything that absorbs your heart/thoughts more than God
- anything so central and essential to your life that should you lose it, your life would feel almost meaningless

A spouse, a child, parents, friends.
Music, a job, a dream, escapism.
A homeless ministry, an adoption, leading worship, being a Bible study leader.
The Gamecocks, Clemson.
Food, a cat/dog, what people think about us.

I don't know about you, but I struggle hardcore with this.

If our thoughts are consumed around anything above Jesus Christ, it's an idol.
If we get all of our joy and satisfaction from something in the place of Jesus Christ, it's an idol. Good or bad.

So what do we do if we realize that our ministry, our platform, has consumed our thoughts & hearts above Jesus? If our spouse has become the one we turn to rather than Jesus? When we would rather watch our DVR than have quiet time?

1) Recognize that our hearts are prone to wander to idols.
2) Name our idols, identify and confess.
3) Repent daily & turn to Jesus for a heart change.
4) Replace the idol worship with worship of Jesus.

Deut. 4:23-24
Ezekial 14:6
1 Cor. 10:14
1 John 5:21
Gal. 5:1
1 Thes. 1:9

Here are some questions to help reveal our idols:

(Elevating Good Things to God Things)
1- What do you long for the most passionately?
2- What makes you the happiest? What do you complain about the most? What annoys you?
3- How do you explain yourself to others? What do you brag boast about?
4- What do we sacrifice most for?
5- Whose approval are you seeking?
6- What do you want to control or master?

(Coping Mechanisms)
1- Where do you go for comfort? If all was gone, who/what would you want to keep?
2- What are you most afraid of? Your greatest fear?
3- What triggers your most painful emotions (fear, despair, guilt, anger, bitterness)? What angers you the most?
4- What would be your living hell (If____ happened it would be like living in hell)
5- What functional saviors have you run to for avoiding this hell?

This will be a daily process for me. I hope you'll join me.

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