Monday, March 15, 2010

my cheatin heart

last weekend i shot my scene in the indie feature i tried out for back in the fall. and first of all, can i just say that it went really well? i didn't know anyone (but dad agreed to drive me so i could study my lines in the car = D ). so dad & i rolled up 2hrs 45mins away to a restaurant in NC. i was nervous (i have a horrible memory so memorizing lines is rough AND i sometimes freak out about ruining a writer's script by not doing it justice), but i prayed about it & everyone there put me right at ease.

the super nice & encouraging crew absolutely rocked. after doing our scene a couple times with a wide shot, we did the close-ups of adam "dale" and then me "cindy." of course i messed up a few times when the camera was right up in my face, but everyone laughed so it was fine. at one point i had to put my hands on top of adam's & tell him things would be ok & i awkwardly almost shot a fork off of the table with my elbow. haaaa. why am i so smooth? i love it.

anyway, the director had nice things to say & i felt good about the scene. apparently so did he. i look forward to seeing the premiere in late summer/early fall.

why the title of this blog, though? well, this was a restaurant scene so there were extras at all the tables and it felt SO WEIRD not being one. i heard the AD in charge of extras pump them up, give them direction, etc. etc. & i sat at the "cast" table & felt like a cheater. it was crazy to have an "audience" besides just the crew during the scene, too. don't get me wrong, i loved having a part, but i will never turn my back on the world of extras. i'll never be too cool to be in the background!! ever.

ps. if you were wondering what dad did the whole day....he got asked to be an extra!! so he got to watch the scene & make faces at me between takes. he was awesome. and he got to go to the secret cast room with me & get fed lunch instead of going to pay for his own fast food during the lunch break. holla! go dad.

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